Feature #1296
Make messages in queries more visible
At least for me, messages in a query are more important than messages in a channel. Therefore, new messages in a query should be more visible than new messages in a channel (like with notifications: If there is a message in a query, you get a notification. Messages in channels only trigger a notification if some highlight rule does apply.)
Possible solutions:
1. Give an option to highlight every message in a query (but only highlight the query in the channel list, not the message in the chat widget)
2. Give an option to set a different color for new messages in a query than for new messages in a channel
I might be able to write a patch, but some feedback would be nice.
#1 Updated by fxrh over 10 years ago
As I just was told in the channel, this can be done via stylesheets. Anyway, I would prefer to change the default here.