


Bug #1352

Migration from sqlite to postgresql fails - "ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'"

Added by mrueg almost 10 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Quassel Core
Target version:
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% Done:


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Any idea how to fix this? I'm using quassel 0.12.2

Transferring Backlog...
**********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Migration Failed!
AbstractSqlMigrationReader::transferMo(): unable to transfer Migratable Object of type Backlog!
executed Query:
INSERT INTO backlog (messageid, time, bufferid, type, flags, senderid, message)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
bound Values:
0 : 884176
1 : 2013-10-03T06:08:50Z
2 : 31
3 : 1
4 : 0
5 : 28664
6 :
Error Number: -1
Error Message: "ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'"
LINE 1: ...stmt_e (884176, '2013-10-3 06:08:50.000', 31, 1, 0, 28664, '
(42601) QPSQL: Unable to create query"


#1 Updated by mrueg almost 10 years ago

I deleted the channel history of a few channels, which allows to proceed with the backlog until it gets stuck here:

AbstractSqlMigrationReader::transferMo(): unable to transfer Migratable Object of type Backlog!
executed Query:
INSERT INTO backlog (messageid, time, bufferid, type, flags, senderid, message)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
bound Values:
0 : 6275372
1 : 2014-07-29T11:29:00Z
2 : 105
3 : 1
4 : 0
5 : 126779
6 : ERROR_NONECB: �����
Error Number: -1
Error Message: "ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'ERROR_NONECB: ìóà"
LINE 1: ...372, '2014-7-29 11:29:00.000', 105, 1, 0, 126779, 'ERROR_NON...

#2 Updated by mrueg almost 10 years ago

Okay, I got this solved by removing the according logs. But isn't this something quassel should deal with itself?

#3 Updated by knivey about 3 years ago

This is still an issue and I'm having the same problem today:

2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] AbstractSqlMigrationReader::transferMo(): unable to transfer Migratable Object of type Backlog!
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] WriterError:
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ]   executed Query:
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] INSERT INTO backlog (messageid, time, bufferid, type, flags, senderid, senderprefixes, message)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ]   bound Values:
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 0 :  23759101
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 1 :  2021-10-05T13:18:55.987Z
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 2 :  12245
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 3 :  1
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 4 :  0
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 5 :  1164864
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 6 :  ~
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ] 7 :  ���eĝ��O��&���C���β<X2�ܮ3.�W�fܪ���L�����N?�\�vn�'��u�o�a>������?� 9��k�_C�O֎���nM�h����з�^� �MT+��S?�?��ll������B<kz
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ]   Error Number: 42601
2022-02-06 00:41:32 [Warn ]   Error Message: "ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near \"'\u0012·\u008F\u0082eÄ\u009D«¯O\u001AÄë&\u009Aû\u001DÌC\u0088ñ\u001D\u008Cβ<X2\u0094Ü®3.¬W\u0003ÉfܪäØ\u0013îL\u008E\u009D\u0080ñÀ\u0013NšË\\ÆvnÈ''\u001BŽÿÕu\u0093oña>àÃÔîí\u0091ž÷ 9£Ík\u0004\u001A\u001F«_C\u0018¥OÖ\u008E\u0098\u001EîínMÑh\u009FºÚ\u0004\u0094з¥^\u009A ÷MT+\u0094óSš\u0097\u0013œ¢¥llý²\u0086²±\u0092B<kz\"\nLINE 1: ...-10-05T13:18:55.987Z', 12245, 1, 0, 1164864, '~', '\u0012·\u008F\u0082eÄ\u009D«¯...\n                                                             ^\n(42601) QPSQL: Unable to create query" 

Pruning my backlogs to fix it but this is kinda concerning to me is there an issue with the database code that could cause issues in the future with weird strings from irc?

#4 Updated by knivey about 3 years ago

Pasting another of the errors so maybe more data can help figure this out.

2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] AbstractSqlMigrationReader::transferMo(): unable to transfer Migratable Object of type Backlog!
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] WriterError:
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ]   executed Query:
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] INSERT INTO backlog (messageid, time, bufferid, type, flags, senderid, senderprefixes, message)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ]   bound Values:
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 0 :  28364762
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 1 :  2022-02-03T06:03:08.711Z
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 2 :  12323
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 3 :  8
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 4 :  0
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 5 :  1307233
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 6 :  
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] 7 :  
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ]   Error Number: 42601
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ]   Error Message: "ERROR:  unterminated quoted string at or near \"'\u0001\"\nLINE 1: ...E '2022-02-03T06:03:08.711Z', 12323, 8, 0, 1307233, NULL, '\u0001\n                                                                     ^\n(42601) QPSQL: Unable to create query" 
2022-02-06 01:01:31 [Warn ] Unable to migrate storage backend! (No migration writer for PostgreSQL) 

In this case it looks like the IRC line was simply "\x01"

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