Bug #1369
Keeps rejoining to channels I've left
Quassel keeps rejoining to channels I've left but didn't delete from my list. 0.12.2, arch linux. Reported by qptain_Nemo and caster on IRC.
#1 Updated by heftig over 9 years ago
I'm seeing this as well on my core (0.12.2, Arch Linux).
Parting a channel produces one of these messages for every user that was in the channel:
2015-10-17 22:57:20 Warning: Channel "<channelname>" received data for unknown User "<username>"
It seems that the `joined` column of the buffer in the database is never updated, either on join or part. New channels have it initialized to True, then it never changes. Manipulating this value manually has the desired effect.
Is there anything else I can do to help debug this?
#2 Updated by MBasaglia about 9 years ago
Looks like this has been fixed, I had this bug with quassel v0.12.2 (dist-9c5e6c6) but works fine with quassel compiled from git master.