Bug #158
Handle ASCII control codes sanely
Codes below 0x20 are ASCII control codes. If somebody send one of these via IRC (that just happened for some strange reason), QString converts those to funny-looking characters.
We should think about a way to display these more sanely, maybe using the "standard" notation ^H for backspace etc. (but be sure to distinguish that from somebody sending ^H literally).
#1 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#2 Updated by Gallaecio over 12 years ago
I was going to give this a try, but I’ve not been able to reproduce it… …because I could not figure out how to write ASCII characters in Linux given their value.
Anyway, since it’s been 4 years since the last update, is this bug still valid?
#3 Updated by Anonymous over 12 years ago
- Version set to 0.8-pre
- OS set to Any
Yes, this is still valid; Easiest way for me is to fire up ii and e.g. `echo -e 'foo\010bar\007' >in`.
#5 Updated by Gallaecio about 12 years ago
- File 0001-An-UTF-8-character-is-now-used-to-represent-the-ASCI.patch 0001-An-UTF-8-character-is-now-used-to-represent-the-ASCI.patch added
I’ve written a patch to replace the control characters by an UTF-8 character that represents them visually.
Also, these are in-depth details on the steps to reproduce the issue, just in case:
1. From Quassel, connect to the room #quassel-issue158 in FreeNode.
2. Install ‘ii’.
3. Run it. For example:
$ ii -i . -s -p 6665 -n QuasselIssue158
4. From a different terminal, enter the directory generated (‘’) and run:
$ echo "/j #quassel-issue158" > in $ cd \#quassel-issue158/ $ echo -e "foo\007bar\010" > in
5. Watch the result in Quassel.
Expected result: meaninful representation of the codes.
Actual result: meaningless characters.
To print the whole list of control codes, use the following script:
for i in {0..31} 127 do hex=$(echo ""$i" "16" o p" | dc) echo -e "$(printf "%03x\n" 0x$hex). foo\\x$(printf "%02x" 0x$hex)bar" > "$1"; sleep 1; done
Run it followed by the path to the target ‘in’ file:
$ ./script.sh ""
#6 Updated by Gallaecio about 12 years ago
Ups, I see there is already a fix, so nevermind about the patch.
#7 Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Anonymous
- Target version changed from Some future release to 0.9.0
- Version changed from 0.8-pre to 0.3.0.x
Merged in 4676ff82af669595edaf090c97a28161d67782a1