Feature #1761
Support geo: URIs
geo: URIs are used for sharing location among map applications. The support on the quassel side should be similar to the one handling HTTP/S links.
#1 Updated by phuzion almost 3 years ago
I'm working on implementing this. Could you please provide a few examples of geo: URIs for me to test with?
#2 Updated by StyXman almost 3 years ago
it's quite basic, geo:<lat>,<lon>?z=<zoom>
, where lat
and lon
are floats and zoom
might be an integer or a float.
#3 Updated by phuzion almost 3 years ago
Thanks. I've tested with the following two URLs:
geo:37.786971,-122.399677 geo:37.786971,-122.399677?z=2
The first works fine, but the second doesn't fully capture the entire URL (it stops at the numbers). I'm still working to determine what we can do to get this working as expected.
I currently have a WIP PR on GitHub at the following URL: https://github.com/quassel/quassel/pull/608
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this PR, please let me know.