Feature #22
Implement DCC and CTCP.
Support for both DCC and CTCP is not yet included in Quassel.
#1 Updated by EgS almost 18 years ago
privmsgs are now parsed for ctcp content.
if extended ctcp data is found a handler handleCtcp<Type> is called.
Still todo:
- implement most of the common ctcp queries and replies
- ccp
#2 Updated by EgS almost 18 years ago
and of course:
implement handlers for userinput like /me and /ctcp version
#3 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
receiving files over dcc would be very nice.
one idea would be that the core reacts to the file send request by displaying a message window on each conneted client - if none are available the offered file should be declined.
the first client reaction to the window should handle how the core should react. however the first client reacts (reject or accept the file) - the message windows of the other clients should then disappear.
here are some links concerning dcc:
i know that ctcp sucks - but i was just talking to son and i thought i should at least write something :-)