


Feature #317

disable join/leave and other system messsages

Added by apaku over 16 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

Quassel GUI (Qt)
Target version:
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I'd like to concentrate on conversations when using IRC and thus disable the join/leave and any other system messages that IRC sends around. That way I only see op-messages and the stuff that I really care about. I can't find an option for this in current quassel (from git today) and I think this is a valuable feature to have.


#1 Updated by Sputnick over 16 years ago

Should be quite easy to implement using the filters; will probably do that when I tackle ChatView context menus.

#2 Updated by Sputnick over 16 years ago

Fixed in current Git (use the context menu in the BufferView);a=commit;h=a3aaabf6254c8c5439af8982cc613c4ced3f50ed

#3 Updated by apaku about 16 years ago

I'm reopening this, I just compiled the latest version from:
git clone git://
and while I do have a hide context menu, all items in it are disabled so I actually can't use this :(

#4 Updated by EgS about 16 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this.

Please make sure, that you really are using the latest version. Maybe you still started the old binary. If you're sure you're using the current version send a screenshot of the issue and add the version link.

#6 Updated by apaku about 16 years ago

Hmm, it seems I need to practice more with git, used the wrong command to "update" my copy :) Its working fine, so you can close this again.

And thanks for fixing this :)

#7 Updated by tgp1994 almost 15 years ago

  • OS set to Any

Sorry if I'm bumping an old suggestion, but I would like to have this in the public binary version :D It would be very useful in the #ubuntu channel. Or did I somehow miss the option? Is it in the binary version already?

#8 Updated by tgp1994 almost 15 years ago

Heh... just noticed it when I right clicked on a channel :P Sorry for any trouble caused.

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