Feature #77
Core administration, Core user admin, ACL support
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We need to have ways to change the core configuration, rename/remove/manage core users and so on. We'll need to think about using ACLs for this.
Related issues
#1 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
i will start to make a frontend for managing users - if that's ok with everybody...
#2 Updated by EgS almost 17 years ago
yes it is :)
#3 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#4 Updated by johu about 15 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- OS set to Any
#5 Updated by public over 14 years ago
Would be nice if you could make it possible to move users from one core to another. The Problem is to find all user specifeid things in the database and then change some keys so that they are still unique (e.g. sender, could be the same name on both cores. so you have to use only one entry...)