Feature #792
Please add a flag to not auto-hide some channels
I have recently started using the auto-hide inactive buffers, and on the whole it is great.
However there are some channels that I'd like to stay shown. The core channels that I follow. For some channels I'm happy that they auto-hide, but some I'd like to stay active.
Actually the main reason that I use auto-hide is to auto-hide the private messages. My normal channels I'd be happy to have them visible all the time, but to hide private messages.
#1 Updated by phhusson almost 11 years ago
You could do a client who does the autohide by itself.
Actually I think it's a good idea to have a 'complex' autohide system, i'll extend my https://github.com/phhusson/QuasselBots/ to be able to do that.
#2 Updated by phhusson almost 11 years ago
I added it QuasselBots: