


Build Quassel on Windows » History » Version 17

Datafreak, 12/16/2009 02:32 PM

1 7 sph
h1. Building Quassel on Windows
2 1 sph
3 3 sph
4 3 sph
5 1 sph
h2. Software Requirements
6 1 sph
7 1 sph
* Windows
8 8 Datafreak
* "Visual C++ 2008 Express":
9 1 sph
* "Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables":
10 8 Datafreak
* "Platform SDK":
11 8 Datafreak
* "DirectX SDK":
12 1 sph
* "OpenSSL":
13 1 sph
* "msysgit": (>=
14 1 sph
* "CMake":
15 8 Datafreak
* "Qt for Open Source C++ development on Windows": *(not MinGW)* (>= 4.5.3)
16 13 Datafreak
* "PostgreSQL": (Optional for PostgreSQL-Support)
17 1 sph
18 1 sph
h2. Installation
19 1 sph
20 8 Datafreak
h3. Step 1: Install Visual C++ 2008 Express
21 1 sph
22 1 sph
23 6 sph
h3. Step 2: Install Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables. 
24 1 sph
25 1 sph
These will be needed for OpenSSL.
26 1 sph
27 1 sph
28 1 sph
h3. Step 3: Install Platform SDK
29 6 sph
30 11 Datafreak
h3. Step 4: Install DirectX SDK
31 1 sph
32 10 Datafreak
h3. Step 5: Install OpenSSL
33 1 sph
34 1 sph
The first error message can be ignored as the Redistributables were installed.
35 1 sph
36 5 sph
Now you have to copy the "C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\ssleay32MT.lib" file to "C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\ssleay32.lib". 
37 5 sph
38 1 sph
Do the same with "C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\static\ssleay32MT.lib" to "C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\static\ssleay32.lib". 
39 1 sph
40 10 Datafreak
h3. Step 6: Install Git
41 1 sph
42 1 sph
43 10 Datafreak
h3. Step 7: Install CMake
44 1 sph
45 1 sph
46 10 Datafreak
h3. Step 8: Update the environment variables
47 1 sph
48 1 sph
Go to the system settings (Start => Control Panel => System), go to the "Advanced" tab and click on Environment Variables.
49 1 sph
50 1 sph
First you'll have to edit the "Path" variable. Append the following to the current value:
51 1 sph
<pre>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin;C:\Program Files\Git\bin;C:\OpenSSL\bin</pre>
52 1 sph
53 1 sph
Next, create the following new system variables:
54 1 sph
55 1 sph
* LIB: 
56 1 sph
<pre>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib;C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\static;C:\OpenSSL\lib</pre>
57 11 Datafreak
C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib;C:\Programme\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)\Lib;C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC\static;C:\OpenSSL\lib\VC;C:\OpenSSL\lib
58 1 sph
59 1 sph
<pre>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include;C:\OpenSSL\include</pre>
60 11 Datafreak
C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include;C:\Programme\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)\Include;C:\OpenSSL\include
61 1 sph
62 11 Datafreak
63 1 sph
64 14 pennywise
h3. Step 9: (Optional Install PostgreSQL and Update the environment variables)
65 1 sph
66 12 Datafreak
Install PostgreSQL and edit the "Path","LIB" and "INCLUDE" variable. Append the following to the current value:
67 12 Datafreak
* Path
68 12 Datafreak
69 12 Datafreak
70 12 Datafreak
* LIB: 
71 12 Datafreak
72 12 Datafreak
73 12 Datafreak
74 12 Datafreak
75 12 Datafreak
76 12 Datafreak
h3. Step 10: Compile and Install Qt
77 12 Datafreak
78 1 sph
Create a directory (e.g. C:\dev\) and unpack Qt.
79 11 Datafreak
80 1 sph
Now open the Visual Studio 2008 command line.
81 1 sph
82 1 sph
And cd to the directory containing Qt. Now you can configure the Qt installation with the following command:
83 1 sph
* Static without PostgreSQL-Support:
84 15 Datafreak
<pre>configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2008 -static -release -qt-sql-sqlite -no-qt3support -qt-zlib -qt-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -openssl-linked -confirm-license -opensource -no-phonon -no-dbus -nomake demos -nomake examples -prefix C:\dev\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.3</pre>
85 12 Datafreak
* Shared with PostgreSQL-Support:
86 15 Datafreak
<pre>configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2008 -shared  -release -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-psql -no-qt3support -qt-zlib -qt-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -openssl-linked -confirm-license -opensource -phonon -phonon-backend -nomake demos -nomake examples -prefix C:\dev\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.3</pre>
87 1 sph
88 1 sph
Then you can compiled Qt with these commands:
89 8 Datafreak
90 1 sph
91 1 sph
92 1 sph
93 1 sph
You can close the prompt after this.
94 1 sph
95 17 Datafreak
*Copy now "C:\dev\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.3\lib\phonon4.lib" to "C:\dev\qt-win-opensource-src-4.5.3\lib\phonon.lib".*
96 10 Datafreak
97 12 Datafreak
h3. Step 11: Update the environment variables again
98 1 sph
99 1 sph
After installing Qt, you will have to append the following:
100 1 sph
101 8 Datafreak
* Path
102 1 sph
103 1 sph
104 8 Datafreak
* LIB: 
105 1 sph
106 1 sph
107 8 Datafreak
108 1 sph
109 1 sph
110 1 sph
111 12 Datafreak
h3. Step 12: Compile Quassel
112 1 sph
113 8 Datafreak
Open a new Visual Studio 2008 command line and go to the "C:\dev" directory again. Use git to download the Quassel source code.
114 1 sph
<pre>git clone git://</pre>
115 1 sph
116 1 sph
This will create a new directory "quassel" containing the source. When you want to update Quassel later, you just have to go to this directory (C:\dev\quassel) and do a "git pull" to update the source code.
117 1 sph
118 1 sph
Next, create a new directory in "C:\dev" in which Quassel will be built. In our case, we will simply call it "build". Change to this directory and enter the following command to configure Quassel:
119 9 Datafreak
<pre>cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" C:\dev\quassel -DSTATIC=1 -DWANT_CORE=ON -DWANT_QTCLIENT=ON -DWANT_MONO=ON -DWITH_PHONON=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLINK_EXTRA=dwmapi,Version,shlwapi</pre>
120 1 sph
121 1 sph
And after that:
122 1 sph
123 1 sph
124 1 sph
This will build Quasselcore, Quasselclient and Quasselmonolithic which can be found in the "C:\dev\build" directory.
125 2 sph
126 2 sph
127 2 sph
h2. Related links
128 2 sph
129 2 sph
* "German tutorial by Datafreak":