


Development getting started » History » Version 12

johu, 03/11/2010 03:15 AM

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h1. Getting started
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5 9 johu
This guide guide describes how you get involved as new developer. If you only want to contribute patches you can checkout following guide
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h2. Redmine
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10 2 johu
No source code change without an issue. Quassel project manages bugs and features with the redmine plattform. To get open issue (bug or feature) assigned, you have to setup account here on 
11 2 johu
12 2 johu
"register here":
13 2 johu
14 6 johu
Please choose a nick is identical or similar to your irc nick.
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h2. Git
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18 10 johu
Install git on your operation system and configure it.
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21 2 johu
git config --global "First name and last name"
22 2 johu
git config --global
23 2 johu
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25 8 johu
Optional you can switch colorful output on.
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27 8 johu
28 8 johu
git config --global color.diff auto
29 8 johu
git config --global color.status auto
30 8 johu
git config --global color.branch auto
31 8 johu
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33 2 johu
h2. Gitorious
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35 2 johu
h3. Setup account
36 2 johu
37 2 johu
"register here":
38 6 johu
39 6 johu
Please choose a nick is identical or similar to your irc nick.
40 2 johu
41 5 johu
h3. quassel clone
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43 7 johu
Setup your personal clone of quassel. Go to and choose a name like yournicks-quassel.
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Switch to preferred directory for your projects like <code>/home/yournick/projects</code>. Now you can clone the personal quassel clone to local machine. 
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47 7 johu
git clone git://
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h3. ssh key
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52 2 johu
To push changes you will need a SSH key pair. To generate it on linux type the command:
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ssh-keygen -t rsa
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On Windows you can check the "official faq": for a solution.
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After following instructions, you should now have a private key like id_dsa and public key ** in your _~/.ssh/_. Upload the public key in your gitorious account options.
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h3. ssh agent
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h2. Workflow
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h3. First step 
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Get and issue to work on. If you have proper rights on redmine assign assign self, otherwise ask in irc to get it.
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h3. Create branch
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Remember do not work on master branch. Just create one branch for one.  
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<pre>git branch branch_issue_x</pre>
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h3. Switch to branch 
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<pre>git checkout branch_issue_x</pre>
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h3. Implementation
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Work on this checkout - follow the normal development workflow...
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h3. Commit
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88 12 johu
Commit changes to your local checkout 
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<pre>git commit -a</pre>
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Please try to merge all your commits to one.
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*Note*: If you add _fixes issue-number_ to your commit message, redmine will close your issue with the issue number.
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h3. Publish 
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To publish your changes just push it to gitorious. You will need running ssh-agent with your private ssh key as described above.
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<pre>git push branch_issue_x</pre>
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h3. Merge request
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To submit your changes just create a merge request on gitorious by going to your clone page and selecting *Request merge* in the menu.
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h3. Cleanup
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