


Development getting started » History » Version 3

johu, 03/10/2010 11:06 PM

1 1 johu
h1. Getting started
2 1 johu
3 2 johu
4 2 johu
5 2 johu
h2. Redmine
6 2 johu
7 2 johu
No source code change without an issue. Quassel project manages bugs and features with the redmine plattform. To get open issue (bug or feature) assigned, you have to setup account here on 
8 2 johu
9 2 johu
"register here":
10 2 johu
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h2. Git
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13 3 johu
Install git on your operation system. And configure it.
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git config --global "First name and last name"
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git config --global
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h2. Gitorious
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h3. Setup account
23 2 johu
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"register here":
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h3. ssh key
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To push changes you will need a SSH key pair. To generate it on linux type the command:
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ssh-keygen -t rsa
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After following instructions you'll have something like that. On Windows you can check the "official faq": for a solution.
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You should now have a private key like id_dsa and public key ** in your _~/.ssh/_. Upload the public key in your gitorious account options.
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h3. ssh agent
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h2. Workflow
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