Bug #167
last written text should stay in the inputline buffer
if i write something in the inputline, then press the down arrow key, the text i wrote is gone. i would like to have a behaviour like in bash.
so the last written line should be last in the buffer, if i repeat pressing the down arrow, it should stay at the last inputline state, not an empty line.
Associated revisions
Fixing BR #167 (Key down now puts the content of inputline into the history (doing it irssi's and seezer's way))
#1 Updated by seezer almost 17 years ago
Uploaded potential fix.
-- edited on 20080604
Since this is still being discussed, i'll link to my patches and will probably upload a final one here if it ever get's accepted. My favorite version is the one that behaves kindof like irssi:
It saves everything you type into a new line and hit key_up/key_down or return afterwards.
History got a maximum size of 1000 entries for now. This could be made configurable but i guess it's ok unitl (if ever) there's a search function for the history. Probably no one will search 1000 lines by hand just to be "faster" than typing the same thing again..
#2 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
it works now the irssi way: key down clears input line and puts content into history
Fixing BR #167 (Key down now puts the content of inputline into the history (doing it irssi's and seezer's way))