Bug #214
core doesn't rejoin channels after disconnect
Sometimes the core doesn't rejoin the channels you were on after a server disconnect.
Additional information:
Quassel core got disconnected from the IRC server (The remote host closed the connection) and tried to reconnect but failed.
Afterwards the core cycled to the next server (in this case the same server, because only one is configured) and succeeded.
All channels on the network were greyed out and once they are clicked on, the core joins the channel.
The client was connected during the reconnect.
Associated revisions
Fix Quassel not rejoining newly joined channels
Since this is the only current rejoin issue I'm aware off this should
fix #214
#1 Updated by thomas over 16 years ago
Today quassel rejoined only 2 of 8 channels after a disconnect.
#2 Updated by Sputnick over 16 years ago
Wonder if that might be related to the /join being cut off inappropriately due to the 512 byte limit (certainly is an explanation for people with lotsa chans, plus apachelogger tells me he got cut-off channel names), but with only 8 channels that sounds not realistic...
#3 Updated by Sputnick over 16 years ago
Some more observations:
- Does not seem to be related to 512 byte limit (though that needs still to be fixed)
- Core restart seems to rejoin everything quite fine
- Disconnect/Reconnect does not rejoin all channels, with the joined channel set (probably?) being the same every time, i.e. it seems to be always the same channels I don't rejoin
#4 Updated by sph over 16 years ago
Yay, I just had this!
1) Have client running (not sure if that is needed)
2) Timeout from network
3) Reconnect to network automatically -- all fine so far
4) Do not touch the client since that reconnect (I was afk, so no bufferview switches, messages ...)
4) Timeout again
5) Reconnect to network automatically -> only passworded channels were joined here.
I am using a custom bufferlist in which inactive buffers are hidden automatically, if that is relevant.
I remember that jussi01 mentioned something very similar a few weeks ago, hopefully this might help :)
#5 Updated by yofel over 16 years ago
ok, after some observation of the bug here my issues:
core connected for a while
-> ip-change
-> reconnect
-> the core joins all channels that i've only been idling in (where I didn't even look into the buffers), all chans that i've been chatting in aren't rejoined.
#6 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from Immediate to Normal
#7 Updated by sph about 16 years ago
Gentle confirms!
<Gentle> I can confirm it's always the same channels that don't get rejoined and the same that do get rejoined
<Gentle> since, efnet is really a bit unstable and this happens roughly every 2 or 3 days and always the same 3/6 channels
<Gentle> it always is a double timeout for efnet since the server is down for some minutes
-- Core log:
[07:17:32] * Unknown: ERROR Closing Link: (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
[07:17:32] * Connection failure: The remote host closed the connection
[07:17:32] * Connection failed. Cycling to next Server
[07:17:33] * Connecting to efnet.demon.co.uk:6667...
[07:23:51] * Connection failure: Connection timed out
[07:24:51] * Connection failed. Cycling to next Server
[07:24:51] * Connecting to efnet.demon.co.uk:6667...
#8 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Sputnick
I have committed something that might fix this issue. Please update your core to latest git master and tell me if the problem still exists. I can't reproduce myself, but what I stumbled upon by chance might well be a reason for this to happen.
#9 Updated by thomas about 16 years ago
As far as I know, it didn't fix it because I'm still having issues with this.
It seems to happen only on freenode though... Maybe I should try to re-add the network.
#10 Updated by thomas about 16 years ago
/me bangs his head against the nearest wall and throws away his keyboard (not really, as I'm still typing)
I didn't check the "Rejoin all channels on reconnect" box for freenode.
#11 Updated by amiconn about 16 years ago
I also had the issue that occasionally one or two channels were not rejoined after my forced daily auto-reonnect.
It didn't happen again after this something was committed, so I consider the bug fixed.
#12 Updated by Sputnick over 15 years ago
- Target version set to 0.5.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Version changed from 0.3.1+ to 0.3.0.x
- OS set to Any
Last known issues are fixed in http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/quassel-irc/repository/revisions/b22b2122c8765fce269c0ba598ef0976a800177d.
#13 Updated by Sputnick over 15 years ago
- Target version changed from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1
#14 Updated by dalbers about 15 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Fix Quassel not rejoining newly joined channels
Since this is the only current rejoin issue I'm aware off this should
fix #214