


Bug #233

Welcome Chanserv message are directed in the ChanServ buffer redirect that to be in the Channel buffer.

Added by ZRegis over 16 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Quassel Core
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[19:57:50] [ChanServ] [#apache] Welcome, this is #apache. Please read the in-channel topic message. This channel is being logged by IRSeekBot. If you have any question please see

Associated revisions

Revision e9a8478a (diff)
Added by Marcus Eggenberger over 16 years ago

Fixing BR #233 - redirecting chanservs welcome messages to the channel buffer


#1 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago

The target of the message is not the channel but you, that means it will be displayed according to your clients settings Behavior -> General -> "Display User-Related messages and Notices in".

You probably want to enable "current buffer" there.

#2 Updated by ZRegis over 16 years ago

Sorry again to reopened but with all checked the message above is not show in the #apache chan.

Did you check ? Is that working on your version ? It's the apache chan of Freenode !

I'm currently using the last nightly built for the client and the 24/07 build of the core.

#3 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago

"current buffer" means the buffer you have currently selected in the client.

To redirect this message always to #freenode it would require to parse the actual content of the notice.
To break the thing down: this message contains of three parts:

sender: ChanServ
target: yournick
type: notice
content: Welcome, this is #apache. Please read the in-channel topic message. This channel is being logged by IRSeekBot. If you have any question please see

We cannot implement a parser for the content to reflect any irc dialect...

#4 Updated by ZRegis over 16 years ago

error the content is :[#apache] Welcome, this is #apache. Please read the in-channel topic message. This channel is being logged by IRSeekBot. If you have any question please see [^]
There is two possibilities for that:
- allow the redirect all chanserv message on the current chan (like others irc client).
- parse the message and detect the [#apache] content.
and it's not Freenode spécific use many irc serv allow Chanserv bot to send a welcome message on join a chan.

#5 Updated by ZRegis over 16 years ago

quakenet dialect : [11:12:16] [G] [#help] Welcome to #help. Please just ask your question and don't spam it. [DE] Bitte stellt einfach eure Frage - ohne zu spammen. [FR] Posez directement votre question - sans répéter, merci.
indymedia dialect : [11:17:35] [ChanServ] [#tech] Welcome to #tech. If you are looking for technical assistance, please don't think us rude if no one answers. Many of us are away from the keyboard for extended periods of time, but will leave our irc clients connected. Also, if we don't have an answer to your question, many most likely won't respond.
oftc dialect: [11:19:14] [ChanServ] [#help] Please ask your question and be patient while you wait for an answer. If your question is related to the IRC network, please ask it in #oftc instead.

need more ? simply ask.

#6 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago

This is the raw message:

:ChanServ!ChanServ@services. NOTICE egst :[#apache] Welcome, this is #apache. Please read the in-channel topic message. This channel is being logged by IRSeekBot. If you have any question please see

as you can see it's like I stated:
sender: chanserv
taget: you
type: NOTICE
message: [#apache] Welcome, this is #apache. Please read the in-channel topic message. This channel is being logged by IRSeekBot. If you have any question please see

Parsing the message to show it in the #apache channel is not an option.

- allow the redirect all chanserv message on the current chan (like others irc client).

This is already possible. Where the "current channel" is the buffer you have selected at the time the message arives at the client. The core has and will not have the knowledge what current channel the user has selected at the time of the join. This will not change due to several internal reasons.

#7 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago

Talked with ZRegis on IRC about a possible implementation:

add bool CoreIrcChannel::receivedWelcomeMsg()
first message starting with [IrcChannel::name()] will be redirected permanently to that buffer

#8 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago

Fixed in current git. Also the "[#channelname] " prefix of the message is stripped.;a=commit;h=e9a8478aa3546063dc39cbadb9280e5566416eeb

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