Bug #323
Make buffers re-appear on activity after being hidden
If you let buffers hide automatically when they are inactive, it shouldn't get hidden when there are messages waiting for you. (e.g. highlight or pm)
Associated revisions
#1 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
as discussed on IRC for future reference:
this issue is due to the fact that a query buffer is treated as inactive if the corresponding user is not known to be online.
#2 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
#3 Updated by thomas over 16 years ago
A few issues I've got:
(git version: 709d88e | built: Nov 03 2008 09:50:26 GMT+1)
- Sometimes the buffer doesn't show when you try to see what someone said
- The was one buffer I tried to open which crashed quasslclient, but I didn't get a crash log, I don't know how to replicate this yet
#4 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
I've just commited a fix for the crash to git:
Can you elaborate a bit on the "Sometimes the buffer doesn't show when you try to see what someone said"? Please include the steps you did and the expected result and the actual result.
#5 Updated by thomas over 16 years ago
If someone talked to me, who is offline now, I can see the highlighted query in my query list.
If I click on the nickname to see what that person said, the buffer wasn't shown and the query got removed from the query list.
I was able to see one query in which someone said "bye" and then disconnected, but the other queries didn't show at all.
#6 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
This should also be fixed with my last commit, so I'm gonna mark this as resolved.
Don't hesitate to reopen the bug if the issue still occurs.
fixing BR #323 - inactive state does no longer overwrite the activity level of queries