Feature #335
"pass param ranges to aliases"
<jussi01> EgS: ok, I have this alias: /quote REMOVE $channelname $1 ; /msg chanserv op $channelname -$currentnick;
<EgS> ok, so?
<jussi01> EgS: I want it that I do the /the-alias nick reason | then the person is removed and there is a reason listed there
<jussi01> but the reason could be any number of words
<EgS> the reason would be in the REMOVE part?
<jussi01> EgS: hrm, Im not certain how it works perfectly, Im trying to get the same as /arn in this script: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/auto_bleh.pl
<-> lemmAway is now known as lemma
<EgS> jussi01: the first param should be the guy to be removed and the rest should be the reason, right?
<jussi01> EgS: yes
<EgS> na there's currently no way to do this... :/
<EgS> could you file a br?
Fixing BR #335 - needs a core restart