Bug #39
Handle messages longer than 512 bytes
The IRC protocol limits the size of a single message to 512 bytes. If we'd like to send longer messages, we therefore have to split. Preferably we should try to find a sensible spot for the split (i.e. a word boundary), rather than just cutting off at byte 511, as WeeChat currently does it.
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Associated revisions
Fixing BR #39 (splitting long messages)
#1 Updated by Sputnick almost 17 years ago
Still need to take into account the length of our hostmask (right now we have hardcoded a value), which should be easily available from our self IrcUser. Also we should issue a regular WHO on self to keep our own hostmask updated (might change without notice). Since autoWHO will probably be optional at some point, we shouldn't rely on that.
#2 Updated by shermann almost 17 years ago
Konversation has such a logic to split up the chatmessages to avoid the 512 byte limit :)
#3 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
fixed in current git
Fixing BR #39 (splitting long messages)