Feature #506
make the topic bar scrollable using the mousewheel
I think the subject says it all.
Would probably be a nice usability improvement over the current "click & drag" design
Maybe it could use those fancy sidewards scrolling mouse wheels which some people out there have,
but I would prefer normal scrolling, because in my opinion those should only be used, if normal scrolling is used otherwise. (e.g. up/down)
Associated revisions
#1 Updated by lastik over 15 years ago
- File wheel.patch wheel.patch added
Thargor wrote:
I think the subject says it all.
Would probably be a nice usability improvement over the current "click & drag" design
Maybe it could use those fancy sidewards scrolling mouse wheels which some people out there have,
but I would prefer normal scrolling, because in my opinion those should only be used, if normal scrolling is used otherwise. (e.g. up/down)
I wrote patch, with witch you can scroll topic with mousewheel.
It's beta version of patch, so if it will work it is wonderfull :)
#2 Updated by Sputnick over 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset ef20dd04ad6ed1911fa070c5dafe2498d9a4fc9d.
Redesign the topic widget
This replaces the old ugly hackish topicwidget by something cleaner. We now use a stacked widget to switch
between display and edit mode. In edit mode, we use a MultiLineEdit rather than a single QLineEdit.
Instead of doing voodooish resizing of the parent widget, we use proper sizeHints and sizePolicies that make
Qt's layout system actually work with this.
There are still some features missing though, notably clickable URLs and the clear button. Will
be implemented ASAP.
Closes #506, fixes #573, closes #608.