Bug #720
incorrect tray icon notification behaviour.
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[15:58:06] <jussi01> Sput: was wondering if this is same for you, you get a hilight, the tray icon glows, but doenst go away until you click the tray icon, if you click the channel or buffer with the hilight it doesnt go away - IMHO, it should
[15:58:18] <Sput> hmmm
[15:58:19] -*- jussi01 wonders if you can follow that...
[15:58:23] <Sput> it should go away on focus change
[15:58:37] <Sput> or focus activation
[15:58:51] <Sput> which in a click-to-focus world might pose problems... hmmm
[15:59:12] <Sput> mind filing a bug for that? I think we could add a bufferswitch watcher for that :)
Associated revisions
#1 Updated by Sputnick over 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- Target version set to 0.5.0
#2 Updated by Sputnick over 15 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 231d30c66b4f52d239deb608f77a0ceb8034fbe9.
Improve tray icon notification behavior
The tray icon now blinks as long as there are still buffers with unread highlights. As
added bonus, repeated clicks on the tray icon now switch to the next highlighted buffer in
line (rather than hiding the window).
Also, notifications (in KDE) will be properly closed as soon as you switch to the appropriate
After all highlighted buffers have been visited, the icon stops blinking. Fixes #720.