Bug #981
Modes being removed without user interaction
I've observed on my network, that users using quassel have the -x mode set on them on connecting. They've never set -x in the past, so it shouldn't be setting that mode at all, so i can only assume its some sort of bug in quassel. It only happens to quassel users and only seems to appear sporadically.
For reference, the network in question is irc.cleverpun.com and it should be easy to test, as the server sets +x on connect.
#1 Updated by genius3000 over 6 years ago
Any chance they had a vHost set (even just an oper /chghost'ing)? That usually sets mode -x and Quassel probably tracked it. Do you still see the same behavior?
In 0.13-pre you can now use '/mode -reset' to clear your persistent modes, this is only a temporary, manual fix though. I'll have a look at the mode tracking code again, maybe it's tracking more than it should.