


Feature #258

Please make backlog searchable from client

Added by jussi01 about 16 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

General / Unspecified
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Id love to have a channel specific search - so that you can click a channel, then in the search bar type a string and search all f the channels backlog. also with an advanced feature so you can limit times and dates etc.

Related issues

Related to Quassel IRC - Feature #794: Search 'More...'Confirmed2009-08-31

Has duplicate Quassel IRC - Feature #449: Add a strong professional search dialogs featureClosed

Has duplicate Quassel IRC - Bug #1330: server-side log search in coreClosed2015-01-06


#1 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago

Yes, that is definitely planned.

#2 Updated by DevUrandom almost 15 years ago

  • OS set to Any

This is actually a request for server-side search? I.e. entering a search term in the client should make the server search in the complete backlog for the phrase, opposed to the current behaviour where the client only searches in that part of the backlog it received already?

#3 Updated by seezer over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to seezer

I have a working early version of such a thing. Probably good enough to hand it out for eager testers soon.
As this is a pretty invasive endeavor (i'm at 57 files changed, 1201 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)), it will take some time for polishing and testing.
And probably way more (if ever) until it hits upstream.
If anyone is interested in playing/helping with that, hit me up on irc or here.

#4 Updated by al over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #1330: server-side log search in core added

#5 Updated by seezer over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Confirmed
  • Assignee deleted (seezer)

As stated by project lead, "quassel-ng" will be radically different and such work should be postponed until then.

#6 Updated by seezer over 9 years ago

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